Aldridge School

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Achieving Excellence Together

Welcome From Mr B Worth | Headteacher

I am extremely proud to welcome you to Aldridge School.

We aim to ensure that every young person achieves their potential by providing an education that challenges them intellectually and offers them a wide range of opportunities to develop and stretch their unique talents and interests.

At Aldridge School, we believe that education is more than just grades. Grades are certainly the 'passport' that pupils need to move on to the next stage of their lives and we will do whatever it takes to ensure they are able to achieve their aspirations. However, the real art of education is to develop confident, resilient, and independent young people who are in possession of the 'passport' that grades provide.

Welcome from the students
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Open Evenings


Come to our open evenings on

Wednesday 18th September and Thursday 19th September 2024 at 6pm 


Music Scholarship open evening

Wednesday 18th September 2024 at 5:30pm in Whitman Hall